Financing, European Funds - S.B.S. Consulting - Strategic Business Solutions - Management Consulting - Strategic Consulting - ESG/CSR Consulting - Growth Strategies Implementation - Export - Strategic Marketing

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 The new balance-sheet of the European Union or "multi-annual financial framework" provides a funding program from 2014 to 2020. The European programs have been improved  for giving impulse to the key sectors and "re-starting" the European Union.

Loans to the small and to the medium sized enterprises are supported by the European Union through a wide range of  European programs by means of funds through local financial intermediaries. These institutions (banks, equity investors, guarantee societies) decide upon precise conditions of fundings: amount, period, interest rate and commissions

Loans to the small and to the medium sized enterprises are supported by the European Union through a wide range of  European programs by means of funds through local financial intermediaries. These institutions (banks, equity investors, guarantee societies) decide upon precise conditions of fundings: amount, period, interest rate and commissions.

Main kind of funding
1.Subsidies are being directed for implementing specific projects, generally afterwards the publication of  a notice called "invitation to present proposals".
The subsidy has a specific purpose, described in the invitation for presenting proposals. In many cases the European Union contribution is bound to the co-funding on behalf of the beneficiary.

2.Public contracts are being awarded on the basis of calls for tenders (a procedure implemented for awarding public contracts). These tenders are being arranged for a wide range of sectors, among which studies, technical assistance, education and training, consulting, conference services,  IT equipments, etc. The purpose of these public contracts is to buy commodities, goods, services or public works in order to grant good running of the institutions or of the EU programs.

Further kind of financing are: loans, guarantees on loans, and bounties.
Organizations interested in subsidies or in awarding EU contracts therefore have to verify carefully to which institutions they have to send their invitation to tender or their bid

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