Corporate and Competitive Strategic Marketing - S.B.S. Consulting - Strategic Business Solutions - Management Consulting - Strategic Consulting - ESG/CSR Consulting - Growth Strategies Implementation - Export - Strategic Marketing

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Corporate and Competitive Strategic Marketing allow  the Company or the Organization to trace its own vision, the direction of its own development and its positioning on national and international markets. Strategic Marketing includes analysis of the Company and of its external environments focused on reaching the forecasted results.
In more and more complex environments strategic marketing approaches allow better performances not only to the own development but also and especially for reaching economic results. It is therefore basically important since the beginning to set-up a Corporate Marketing Strategy focused on the positioning of the Company on international markets through a valid organization setting up, a careful evaluation of markets and competitors, the analysis of the own products and services and of those marketing aspects fundamental for the own business.
Microenteprises and Medium-Sized companies not organized yet are accompanied in their starting phases and in their development in terms of  organization, internal company's processes and in their activities, in the analysis of the own products and services, taking care of traditional marketing aspects related to the own business.

A support is given to the commercial area regarding  the business development especially on international markets, implementing also Customer-Care activities up the customization of the Company's acquired Customers.


Therefore S.B.S. Customer is followed in its own starting phases, in its development until it is able to reach the characteristic and an organization suitable to its specific needs.  
This allows the Customer to make small, flexible phased investments limiting the risks of enterprise.

S.B.S Consulting is engaged in:                                                             

. Strategic Marketing Plans: Diagnosis, Analysis of the Enterprise. Project, Planning, Implementation of strategies at Corporate and   Competitive levels  
. Research and markets analyses (strategic marketing, markets opportunities and development; positioning, analyses of competitors)
. Research and analyses of potential Customers/Suppliers/Partnerships/Merger-Acquisition
.Operative Marketing Plans (Planning and Implementation)
. Research of products and analyses. Brand, pricing
. Sustainable and Ethic Development (CSR)
. Foreign contacts development with potential Customers/Suppliers

. Research and markets analyses (strategic marketing, markets opportunities and development; positioning, analyses of competitors)
. Research and analyses of potential Customers/Suppliers/Partnerships/Merger-Acquisition
.Operative Marketing Plans (Planning and Implementation)
. Research of products and analyses. Brand, pricing
. Sustainable and Ethic Development (CSR)
. Foreign contacts development with potential Customers/Suppliers

.Assistance, Support to the Development of Strategic Marketing
.Temporary Strategic Marketing Management

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